Rosnellys Perez

Rosnellys Perez

Thursday, November 18, 2010


The best advice I could give a freshman in college is TO AVOID GETTING THE FRESHMAN 15
it's real, it sucks and it makes you FAT. 

Freshman 15 

Most associate the term "Freshman 15" with the phenomenon of how college students gain weight their first semester attending a college or university. College freshmen seem to be the most susceptible to gaining weight their first semester (or year) at college, mostly attributed to a severe lifestyle change. Find out more in our Freshman 15: Why College Freshman? section.

Causes of the Freshman 15

Freshman 15 weight gain: A college student eating a burgerThe causes of the freshman 15 may seem to be common sense for many people, but others struggle to understand why they gain so much weight during the first year at a college or university. Here is a list of a few of the causes of the freshman fifteen that should be avoided as much as possible:
  • Lack of exercise
  • Eating late at night
  • Keeping unhealthy snacks on hand (in the dorm room)
  • Eating unhealthy cafeteria food
  • Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I'm so excited for our new assignment :)

YESSSS, call me nerd!!! I don't care but this next assignment? Geezzzzzz I'm so excited about it :) I love my topic and I love to be able to share it on a website so I can show it to my family too :) :) :)
I've been working on it since Tuesday and I believe I will do a great job!!!
I'm enjoying this :) wish all our projects were just like this ! ! :D

When your feelings get involved

Relationships are hard all by themselves.
Getting your feelings involved while dating is probably the hardest part of all, at least for me.
I am so used to just watch my back from everybody that knowing that a man has the power to see right through me, scares the hell out of me. The sensation that he knows every inch of me, the way I talk, the way I feel when I don't say a word, he knows even what I am thinking; it scares me, it makes me feel weak, I feel like he knows he got me! And now I am not happy of having someone, but I am scare of that someone taking advantage and hurting me.

I told my mother about this, she says I am scare to "love" (I wont call it love yet). I think I am just too used to do ME, and only ME that the fact that now I care about somebody else is killing me softly!
Planning dates, waiting on texts, those late night calls, the subtweets, the facebook stalking, all that corny "In love" girl ish is all I do now. IT'S HORRIBLE.

I think I should enjoy the fact that I feel like I really like this man, and I never felt like this before, but yet, I have my walls way too up so we'll see how this ends up..

Friday, November 5, 2010

How to know if he is playing you?

A: Player’s are hard to spot. If they were easy, none of us would be in this predicament asking ourselves, “Does he really care about me?” The most important thing is to go with your gut feeling. If you keep asking your self the question of whether or not he is a player then he most likely is. If you REALLY like him and have that gut feeling, you will find your self making excuses for him, defending his actions, and find any reason that makes it seem like he really might just be a genuine guy, even though you have one positive against numerous negatives. One thing to look for, is his words. He will make you feel more special then any of his female friends. He will whisper sweet nothings, telling you he wants to see you, he wants to hold you, he misses you, he wants you there with him. Anything to make you feel special and wanted. It’s a way of buttering you up, tricking you into thinking that he genuinely cares and has deeper feelings for you. He will say he is in no shape for a relationship right now, which in a sense is true, because all he want’s to do is move from girl to girl. He is a smoothe talker. He has done this SO many times, that it is natural. He has come to believe his own lies, so he doesn’t ever feel guilty, or see anything wrong with what he is doing, or how he is acting and treating you. He isn’t feeling any emotion, even though he is giving you every indication he is, and you are really special to him. He will make you feel like you are making a big deal out of everything, when in-fact you are not, and have every right to be upset with him. He will turn the situation around on you, leaving you feeling hurt, upset, and as if you really are making a big deal out of something that you have every right to speak up about. He will tell you he will call you or text you, when he actually has no intention of it. When you make plans to see each other or hang out, he will cancel last minute. He will ALWAYS have an excuse, and it will always seem reasonable, even though it really isn’t. If you tell him that he always does it, he will tell you that you never really actually make plans, and you are over reacting. He will make you feel guilty for acting this way. You will go long periods without talking. Long enough to wonder why he isn’t talking, and to wonder what is up, but short enough that you will figure he really was “just busy”. You will be so happy to just talk to him again, that you will forget everything negative with him that has been happening. He will always have an excuse. He is ofcorse, a smooth talker. If he really cares about you and wants to be with you, you will never be questioning his actions and motives. You will just know. Don’t find excuses for him, you deserve somebody who loves you and will make all the time in the world to see you and be with you. He will want to talk to you on the phone, take you on dates, make and keep plans, and make you feel special all the time. Not just from time to time. Now, not every guy who act’s like what I described above is a player. Like I said, if you have the gut feeling and always question it, then hes a tosser. You should never have to guess if someone cares about you or not.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Tyra Show: 16 Year Old Girls Pimping Other Girls For Prostitution Money

I'm using this for my paper !
I'm kind of disgusted but it's sad that this is reality now days !

My writing progress

I am having a lot of troubles writing this paper, I'm not used to do research papers, at least not in English so I'm having lots of difficulties with the different types of rules and all the details we have to include and think of. So far I have like 2 pages and I don't feel like it's good at all, I wish we could have keep the examples we used last week, so I could read it again and have a better idea of how to do this paper, it's confusing and I really need help to do this!!!!!!!! It's stressing and it makes me feel dumb. UGH.