Rosnellys Perez

Rosnellys Perez

Thursday, November 18, 2010


The best advice I could give a freshman in college is TO AVOID GETTING THE FRESHMAN 15
it's real, it sucks and it makes you FAT. 

Freshman 15 

Most associate the term "Freshman 15" with the phenomenon of how college students gain weight their first semester attending a college or university. College freshmen seem to be the most susceptible to gaining weight their first semester (or year) at college, mostly attributed to a severe lifestyle change. Find out more in our Freshman 15: Why College Freshman? section.

Causes of the Freshman 15

Freshman 15 weight gain: A college student eating a burgerThe causes of the freshman 15 may seem to be common sense for many people, but others struggle to understand why they gain so much weight during the first year at a college or university. Here is a list of a few of the causes of the freshman fifteen that should be avoided as much as possible:
  • Lack of exercise
  • Eating late at night
  • Keeping unhealthy snacks on hand (in the dorm room)
  • Eating unhealthy cafeteria food
  • Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I'm so excited for our new assignment :)

YESSSS, call me nerd!!! I don't care but this next assignment? Geezzzzzz I'm so excited about it :) I love my topic and I love to be able to share it on a website so I can show it to my family too :) :) :)
I've been working on it since Tuesday and I believe I will do a great job!!!
I'm enjoying this :) wish all our projects were just like this ! ! :D

When your feelings get involved

Relationships are hard all by themselves.
Getting your feelings involved while dating is probably the hardest part of all, at least for me.
I am so used to just watch my back from everybody that knowing that a man has the power to see right through me, scares the hell out of me. The sensation that he knows every inch of me, the way I talk, the way I feel when I don't say a word, he knows even what I am thinking; it scares me, it makes me feel weak, I feel like he knows he got me! And now I am not happy of having someone, but I am scare of that someone taking advantage and hurting me.

I told my mother about this, she says I am scare to "love" (I wont call it love yet). I think I am just too used to do ME, and only ME that the fact that now I care about somebody else is killing me softly!
Planning dates, waiting on texts, those late night calls, the subtweets, the facebook stalking, all that corny "In love" girl ish is all I do now. IT'S HORRIBLE.

I think I should enjoy the fact that I feel like I really like this man, and I never felt like this before, but yet, I have my walls way too up so we'll see how this ends up..

Friday, November 5, 2010

How to know if he is playing you?

A: Player’s are hard to spot. If they were easy, none of us would be in this predicament asking ourselves, “Does he really care about me?” The most important thing is to go with your gut feeling. If you keep asking your self the question of whether or not he is a player then he most likely is. If you REALLY like him and have that gut feeling, you will find your self making excuses for him, defending his actions, and find any reason that makes it seem like he really might just be a genuine guy, even though you have one positive against numerous negatives. One thing to look for, is his words. He will make you feel more special then any of his female friends. He will whisper sweet nothings, telling you he wants to see you, he wants to hold you, he misses you, he wants you there with him. Anything to make you feel special and wanted. It’s a way of buttering you up, tricking you into thinking that he genuinely cares and has deeper feelings for you. He will say he is in no shape for a relationship right now, which in a sense is true, because all he want’s to do is move from girl to girl. He is a smoothe talker. He has done this SO many times, that it is natural. He has come to believe his own lies, so he doesn’t ever feel guilty, or see anything wrong with what he is doing, or how he is acting and treating you. He isn’t feeling any emotion, even though he is giving you every indication he is, and you are really special to him. He will make you feel like you are making a big deal out of everything, when in-fact you are not, and have every right to be upset with him. He will turn the situation around on you, leaving you feeling hurt, upset, and as if you really are making a big deal out of something that you have every right to speak up about. He will tell you he will call you or text you, when he actually has no intention of it. When you make plans to see each other or hang out, he will cancel last minute. He will ALWAYS have an excuse, and it will always seem reasonable, even though it really isn’t. If you tell him that he always does it, he will tell you that you never really actually make plans, and you are over reacting. He will make you feel guilty for acting this way. You will go long periods without talking. Long enough to wonder why he isn’t talking, and to wonder what is up, but short enough that you will figure he really was “just busy”. You will be so happy to just talk to him again, that you will forget everything negative with him that has been happening. He will always have an excuse. He is ofcorse, a smooth talker. If he really cares about you and wants to be with you, you will never be questioning his actions and motives. You will just know. Don’t find excuses for him, you deserve somebody who loves you and will make all the time in the world to see you and be with you. He will want to talk to you on the phone, take you on dates, make and keep plans, and make you feel special all the time. Not just from time to time. Now, not every guy who act’s like what I described above is a player. Like I said, if you have the gut feeling and always question it, then hes a tosser. You should never have to guess if someone cares about you or not.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Tyra Show: 16 Year Old Girls Pimping Other Girls For Prostitution Money

I'm using this for my paper !
I'm kind of disgusted but it's sad that this is reality now days !

My writing progress

I am having a lot of troubles writing this paper, I'm not used to do research papers, at least not in English so I'm having lots of difficulties with the different types of rules and all the details we have to include and think of. So far I have like 2 pages and I don't feel like it's good at all, I wish we could have keep the examples we used last week, so I could read it again and have a better idea of how to do this paper, it's confusing and I really need help to do this!!!!!!!! It's stressing and it makes me feel dumb. UGH.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Research paper; -late-

In my opinion, so far our group has done a good job at working together and sharing our ideas. I'm not the type of people who likes to work on groups, specially when it comes to papers about opinions, it's so hard to agree with everybody's ideas, but again, I was lucky and have a great group so I'm not worried :)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Teenagers are more stupid every day.

OMG. This is what I have been talking about. Teenagers now days can't be more cowards! How you're going to invite somebody over or pretend to be their friend and then come wrong at her WITH YOUR FRIENDS, I mean come on, get some balls and do it 1 on 1. It's really stupid that shit posted on a social network can lead to stuff like this, I've been in Victoria's position myself, not in the physical aspect but in the "she says, I said" when I came to BSU, all thanks to Facebook, because people now days use facebook for pure bullshit and drama, people on facebook, youtube or myspace still need to grow up and realize that what they're doing is stupid and pointless. I'm glad that this girls were stupid enough like to post the video online so the cops coulda get them, like Victoria, I saved my proof of the cyber bullying I was involved in, just in case something like this happen to me, I know how stupid this teenagers are. I'm just so tired of the same thing going on, this is 2010 people, why do we act like ignorant?! I'm a Criminal Justice major and I've study sooooo many cases like this in the few months I've been here, and then I got involved of one as the victim, and I have to say, people today are still dumb. Please, if you're a teenager, watch this video and ask yourself why the ___ck you create drama in fb? What is so good about it? You just making a fool of yourself.... STOP THE HATE, STOP THE BULLYING, STOP BEING IGNORANT. Grow up.

Attention, before watching the video, remember, if you can't handle strong language and fights, don't watch it.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


If you think you have depression, look for help. Don't let it be too late. Trust me, talking about it helps, it has help me, I am slowly growing out of it.

Depression is a serious biologic disease that affects millions of people each year. The encouraging news is that it may be successfully treated. Learn how you can manage your depression by reaching out to others such as a health care professional or family and friends.

What causes depression?

Although no single cause of depression has been identified, it appears that interaction among genetic, biochemical, environmental, and psychosocial factors may play a role. The fact is, depression is not a personal weakness or a condition that can be willed or wished away, but it can be successfully treated.

Who gets depression?

An estimated 33 to 35 million U.S. adults are likely to experience depression at some point during their lifetime. The disease affects men and women of all ages, races, and economic levels. However, women are at a significantly greater risk than men to develop major depression. Studies show that episodes of depression occur twice as frequently in women as in men.
Although anyone can develop depression, some types of depression, including major depression, seem to run in families. Whether or not depression is genetic, the disorder is believed to be associated with changes to levels of chemicals in the brain such as serotonin and norepinephrine.

Symptoms of Depression

Although there is no blood test to diagnose depression, there are well-developed guidelines used by health care professionals to diagnose major depressive disorder. One of these guidelines, developed by the American Psychiatric Association, is called the DSM-IV®. Your health care professional may ask you questions based on this established diagnostic tool.
According to the DSM-IV, major depressive disorder (or "depression") is diagnosed when five or more of the following symptoms of depression are present for most of the day, nearly every day for at least 2 weeks. At least one of the symptoms must be either persistent sad or "empty" feelings or loss of interest in activities.
  • Constant sadness
  • Irritability
  • Hopelessness
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Low energy or fatigue
  • Feeling worthless or guilty for no reason
  • Significant weight change
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Loss of interest in favorite activities
Be sure to tell your health care professional if you're experiencing any of these symptoms as described by the DSM-IV. Also, tell your health care professional if your symptoms are affecting your ability to function at home, at work, or with family, friends, or colleagues.

Treatments for Depression

Depression is a disease that can be successfully treated. There are a variety of ways to treat depression, including prescription medication and psychotherapy. Some people may use natural remedies such as herbal therapy. Only a health care professional can determine the appropriate option to treat your depression.

Prescription medications

There are several types of prescription antidepressant medications that are divided into different classes. Each antidepressant class affects the levels of chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters, which are thought to be involved in regulating mood.
The most commonly prescribed prescription antidepressant classes are SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) and SNRIs (serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors). SSRIs are believed to treat depression by affecting the levels of a neurotransmitter called serotonin. SNRIs are believed to treat depression by affecting the levels of two neurotransmitters called serotonin and norepinephrine.
It's important to know that it could take as many as 6 to 8 weeks for the full therapeutic effect to occur. It is important to give the medication a chance to work and to take it exactly as directed by your health care professional.


Psychotherapy is known as "talk therapy," which research has shown can be very helpful for people with some forms of depression. Like all treatment options, psychotherapy can be used alone or in combination with medication or other treatments.
The two main types of psychotherapy that are typically used to treat depression are:
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) - helps to reduce depression symptoms by challenging and reversing negative beliefs and attitudes.
  • Interpersonal therapy (IPT) - helps facilitate the resolution of role disputes and helps to overcome problems with social skills and other interpersonal factors that may impact the development of depression.

Healthy living

The following are some suggestions for a natural approach to a healthy lifestyle, which may help provide some relief of depression symptoms:
  • Maintain proper sleep hygiene as advised by your health care professional.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet
  • Manage anxiety as advised by your health care professional
  • Participate in a structured and supervised exercise program as advised by your health care professional
  • Set realistic goals for yourself
  • Create small and manageable tasks
  • Let others you can trust such as family and friends help you  

Monday, October 25, 2010

A Brief History of America

hahahaha we studied this in Criminology today; I have to admit, I love my professor :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Trey Songz - Can't Be Friends (Passion, Pain & Pleasure)

I always cry with this song ):
Why it hurts so much when you like somebody SO much? ): it just feels wrong. I wish Humans weren't able to love or like anybody. This is tragic. I can't continue crying my life off, this is not healthy, I can't think, eat, breath, sleep without thinking of him. He never thinks of me. ): ): ): fml.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Dame un beso :)

I'm in love.
Oh yes I know.
Naw I am not in love, I'm just too into some man :)
He is smart, gorgeous, funny, grown and knows what he wants in life!
He makes me corny :) and romantic... I'm never like that.
But yeah, I like him LOTS :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I have a best friend in BSU :)

she has become my new bestfriend in BSU. 
Why? I don't know. It's just so simple for her to understand me, she keeps my mind busy from all the stress and the depressing things and she just know exactly what I need.
She is funny, smart, pretty, sensible and the greatest friend anyone could have! 
I can tell we'll be awesome friends lifetime lasting.
I love you girl!

Our first BSU homecoming together :)

                                                        A fun night !!!! hahaha

                                                      This is how we study :)
Just WATCH and wait; :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

My letter assigment .

I am so frustrated because I don't know what to write about for this English homework, I am supposed to write a letter complaining about something. I really don't know what to do!!!!!
I always complain about... EVERYTHING, but I am really blocked right now. Maybe because what I really want to write about it's prohibited by my own self, or maybe because I am once again trying to be perfect so I think nothing is good enough, I have like 20 letter's on my computer now, I did a letter to God, to my dad, my mom, my president, to a virgin girl, to a high school freshman, to my ex boyfriend, to myself, a letter to all men, a letter for EVERYTHING. And I still can't pick one I really want to turn in for the hw. I'm about to scream. I hate to feel lost. UGGGGGGGGH.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Mad Tv- U wont hire me cuz i'm black ?

Okay so I was watching this video late night with my new friend and we were CRACKING UP. Literally. Yes, we got in troubles, but anyways, I use the word "Is it because I'm black!!?!??!" to make jokes with my friends, so listening to this comedian reminded me of myself and it was just hilarious.

But what is not funny is that some black people in our times, still have that ideal on their mind, the ideal of they not being able to get something just because of their skin color, so they blame everything on it. "You wont hire me because I'm black?", it's just sad to see how people put limitations on themselves basing on a skin tone.

I think Black is beautiful, I LOVE my skin color because it makes me beautiful, I love when a black women/men goes up and proudly says, I am black and I wont ever dream myself in other way.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Roommate :)

Sooooo I finally got a Roommate :)
I'm excited!
Her name is Olivia, she seems pretty cool and fun! We still haven't hang out or really talk to each other because we're both really busy during the day but hopefully it will get better.

I've never share a room in my life so this should be interesting, I hope we don't hate each other at the end lol. ANYWAYS, ha it's 2:10am :) I never can go to sleep on time! I need help. Ha. Tips?

Friday, September 24, 2010

My Obsession Got His Own Name And Last Name (:

January 19, 1964 was the day God blessed the earth with the presence of the best Spanish singer-songwriter ever, Ricardo Arjona; but it wasn’t until May 30th 2009 when I was the blessed one and met him face-to-face, all thanks to the letter I wrote for him in a contest based on writing everything I could tell him if I had the chance, in the letter, I opened myself and said my deepest feelings for him. Some people call what I feel an obsession, others call it a fantasy, a few call it love; I simply call it feeling him, and it’s just the fact that he probably will never know how much I love him, but every time I lay down and listen to his songs, it’s totally impossible not to fall in love with his voice, his lyrics, his passion, his ideas and goals, and just the real way he express things no matter who likes it or not. His personality is a “take it or leave it” type, and who wouldn’t fall in love with somebody so real?

My love and respect for Ricardo Arjona can not be expressed with a simple word, and it’s because there’s no word as close as perfection as what I feel for him. And I don’t care if others could think I’m getting attached to something impossible, because when I said that I was going to meet him before I died, all of them laughed and tried to bring me down, but when it finally happened they were fake enough to say that they knew I would complete that goal.

Sadly, when I finally saw him, all I could say was... Oh my Gosh, I love you. Sad isn't it? But whatever, I still loved it.

And even if probably Ricardo Arjona himself don’t give a damn about what I feel, I’m not changing a single thing, because he’s like a tattoo for me, he’s under my skin, and to take him off it will take a long and painful process that I’m not trying to go through.

If I had five minutes alone with him again, I will use it to thanks him all the times he helped me get out of so many doubts and problems with the lyrics of his songs, and he wasn’t even trying to. The times he made me laugh when I didn’t feel like it, and when I cried listening to his songs because it feels like he wrote them thinking about me, or what I am going through. It’s because of those times that if I had just five minutes, even a second with him again, I will thanks him and let him know that he’s just one in a million.

*My favorite song ever:

Tu Reputacion - Ricardo Arjona


Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I am stressed, like critical stress (I think that is no real)
Anyways, I can't get over it, I keep studying hard and it just don't seem to pay off! I hate inqsit by the way! I've never As a test there! I HATE IT because i know everything it's in there.

But if you have any REAL tip to get over stress, please let me know, I need it like asap

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I'm officially legal.

Today is my birthday :) I'm eighteen years old. I'm not a minor no more. I can vote and smoke and declare taxes. Wow. haha.  GOODNIGHT :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My birthday is tomorrow? wohoo.?

Tomorrow, Wednesday, September 15th 2010 I will -FINALLY- be 18 years old. It feels weird because it's my first birthday without my family and friends, so I don't feel as excited as other years, also, I really doubt myself right now and all this college thing, I been too sad lately, I miss home so badly, I miss my friends and I miss knowing what to do, college is sucking my life away and I keep getting liars around me! I used to be really smart about everything, I used to know what was the right thing to do and what is not, but since I move here past august, I changed completely. I do not know what I want anymore, and I'm settling down for less that what I deserve, I lost the way of loving myself and I am looking for "it" in the wrong places. I lost my study habits and I am quiet in classes. Something I've never been... Nowhere. I feel like I am less than my classmates but at the same time I am not, so I feel like I am fighting myself daily and I am loosing in both sides.

I don't know. I might just need some more motivation, I might should stop being so negative. I just know that for now all I want is to go back home. But I can't quit, because quitting is for looser and I am not a looser, even if I feel hopeless most of the time... I don't know. Blogging is not helping to find a solution this time. I'm stressed and I'm hungry. UGH. I want my old life back, but I don't want to be back like a looser. UGH.

Why growing up has to be SO damn hard? Hate it.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Boreeeeeeeeed [:

A-Z [:

Instructions: Fill out these questions and make a new note called ‘ABC About You.’

ABC About You Questions

A - AVAILABLE: No? But I'm Single :)
B - BIRTHDAY: Sept. 15th
C - CRUSHING ON: Ricardo Arjona <3 (Colombian singer)
F - FAVORITE SONG: Tu reputacion- Ricardo Arjona
H - HOMETOWN: Santo Domingo; DR
K - KILLED SOMEONE: have you?
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: Indiana from Chicago. ugh!!!!!!!!!!;
M- MILKSHAKE: Double Hershey Chocolate <3
O - ONE WISH: To accomplish my goals
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: Neighbors know my name - Trey S.
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 9:00 am
U - UNDERWEAR COLOR: Was so sleepy when I put it on that I don't remember.
V - VEGETABLE(S): lettuce and carrot :)
W - WORST HABIT: Self-inflicted stress
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: torax, teeth?
Y - YOYOS ARE: something I CAN NOT do! ugh

Random Questions About You

Spell your name without vowels: RSNLLYS :) now that is sexy ♥
Your favorite number: 15
What color do you wear most?: Black and no, I'm not emo.
Least favorite color?: PINK.
What are you listening to?: Taylor S.
Are you happy with your life right now?: Do I got another option?
Are You watching good movie: not right now
What was your favorite class in school?: Govt in high school, Finance 101 in College.
Who is your best friend: Joel Joseph
Are you outgoing?: Yes! Maybe too much.
Favorite pair of shoes?: All my heels!
Can you dance?: Lol I try?
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: I promise I did it ONCE :D
Can you whistle?: not really :(
Write with both hands?: Yes, but it's awkward to use the left hand
Walk with your toes curled?: Yes haha


Do you believe there is life on other planets?: Yes
Do you believe in miracles?: Yes
Do you believe in magic?: Yes
Do you believe in Love at first sight?: Not really, I believe in attraction at first sight
Do you believe in Satan?: yes
Do you believe in Santa?: No.
Do you know how to swim?: Yes
Do you like roller coasters?: No but I still get on
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?: NO. hahahah


Have you ever been on a plane?: Yes! A lot, and I hate them :(
Have you ever asked someone out?: On a date? Oh yes! I am not the ones that wait YEARS
Have you ever been asked out by someone?: Yes ♥
Have you ever been to the ocean?: I lived in the middle of it :D
Have you ever painted your nails?: DUH.
Have you ever been in love?: No
Have you ever date a football player?: Twice. One word: Stressful. 


What is the temperature outside?: cold enough for me
What radio station do you listen to?: None.
What was the last restaurant you ate at?: Olive Garden
What was the last thing you bought?: CLOTHES :)
What was the last thing on TV you watched?: Teen mom


Who was the last person you IM'd?: My sister
Who was the last person you took a picture of/with: Him! [:
Who was the last person you said I love you to?: Carley! :) by facebook
Who was the last person you kissed and when? Eric and yesterday ♥


Ever really cried your heart out?: Yes
Ever cried yourself to sleep?: Yes
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: Yes
Ever cried over the opposite sex? yes
Do you cry when you get an injury?: most of the time
Do certain songs make you cry?: yes


Are you a happy person?: Whenever I want to


What is your current hair color?: My natural color? Dark Brown
What is your current eye color? Chocolate brown :) ?


What shirt are you wearing?: Sport bra?
Pants: Jeans
Shoes?: none
Necklaces?: None
Underwear: Of course duh so nosey by the way!!!!!


Favorite eye color: Green!
Short or long hair: Short
Height: Tall, 6'0, TALLER.... TALL!


Been to jail: Ha, no
Mooned someone: No
Thought about suicide: No
Laughed so hard you cried: Yes
Cried in school: I have and it's really embarrassing. 
Thrown up in a store: EW no
Wanted to be a model: yes; I did it for a while; too much stress
Done something really stupid that you still laugh about: hahahaha YES
Seen a dead body: Yes. yuck
Been on drugs: shhhh. My pain killers count? :)
Gone skinny dipping: YES hahahaha oh spring break. It was in a private pool tho :)


Single or Group Dates: Depends.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Strawberries or Blueberries: both
Meat or Veggies: meat
TV or Movie: Movie
Adidas or Nike: both
Chinese or Mexican: Chinese
Cheerios or Corn Flakes: Corn flakes!
Pepsi or Coke: COKE♥
Black or white: Brown
Obama or ..... : haha tricky
Sexy or Beautiful: Beautiful
Sexy and rude or Ugly and nice: This is ridiculous 
Talking or writing: talking
Cellphone or computer: cellphone
I'm such a weirdo :) haha

My 18th birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!

In FIVE days I'll finally be legal :)
And it is on a Wednesday the 15th! An English class's day...So Professor!!!!!!!!!! Cake? Please :D or a balloon? haha

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Secret Admirer :)

On July 13th 2010, I checked my email and found a big surprise, an anonymous message with a video attached named "Your secret admirer", his/her message said: "You have changed my life and you don't even know it, I'm your secret admirer Rosnellys Perez, download the video in this message, this not a virus, trust me you'll love it. See you soon."

At first I was peeing my pants. That was fucking creepy -sorry I like to curse :)-. But once I watched the video I didn't know if I should be scare or excited that someone has been watching my pictures for so long, and even had me on myspace because some pics are not from facebook, and even said I'VE CHANGED THEIR LIFE.... HOLLY SHIT... It kind of made me feel special, I felt like I was a big part of someone elses life.

So yea it's creepy but I love the song [: so that shows that this person even knows what I like/don't like. I was wondering who did it? I had no clue. But then by August I found out it was my ex-boyfriend, the one I had back in Dominican Republic before moving to U.S.A.... That made me hate the video for a while :) but blah, I'm weak, and I like the video. So whatever. WATCH IT :) or don't... Is up to you, but if you have been reading this then WATCH IT, because it shows that you're bored, like me :D ha.

Let me know what you think *

10 things not everybody knows about "Rosie"

1- Rosie and Rosnellys are actually NOT the same person. Yes, it's me, but I act different. Rosie is too outgoing and nice, but Rosnellys likes to just sstay in and cuddle and watch movies, etc. -Yes, I'm talking about myself in 3rd person :) awesome!-

2- I'm only SEVENTEEN years old and in college.

3- I stress over EVERYTHING.

4- I've never been in love with a guy.

5- To lie results real hard for me.

6- I doubt myself a lot.

7- I made the biggest mistake of my life in my 3rd week in  college. I'll always regret.

8- I can smile for an entire day :)

9- I'm actually really good giving advices, but I'll never follow any.

10- I can belly dance, but I can't dance like DANCE DANCE, you know what I mean? No? Me either :) touche !

2am [:

I seen this in Erika's blog and I'm too bored and not sleepy yet, plus a little stressed so this should entertain me a little, and help you get to know me :)

Ten of the most important people in my life:
1. God
2. Parents
 3. Sisters
4. Brother
5. Nanny
6. Meirellys
7. Joel Joseph
8. Jesse Joseph
9.Mia Penelope
10. My dad's family (that is like 100)

Nine things in my room right now:
1. FOOD ♥
2. Fans
3. Lots of homework
4. Pictures
5. Dirty dishes
6. Bed
7. Purple dots in the walls
8. His sweater ♥
9. Phone!

Eight of my favorite movies:
1. In the time of the butterflies
2. Snow white
3. Saw I-VI
4. The Ugly Truth
5. Titanic
6. Memories of a Geisha
7. Why did I get married too
8. all Final Destination

Seven things I love about college:
1. Freedom
2. Classes with breaks between
3. Professors treat me like an adult
4. The campus
5. My single room :) HA!
6. The people ♥ and him!
7. Coffee is right across the street

Six people I hung out with tonight:
1. Abigail
2. Emily
3. Brekell
4. Asia
5. Victoria
6. Jasmine

Five pets I've had:
1. Fifi (Dog)
2. Rubi (Dog)
3. Jolie (Dog)
4. Snoopy (Dog)
5. Sexy (Dog)

Four of my biggest pet peeves:
1. Being told what to do
2. Being ignored
3. Being take advantage of
4. Mistaken me being nice with me being easy

Three of my favorite colors:
1. Lilac
2. Green
3. Purple

Two of my goals:
1. To graduate in 4 years
2. Make my dad so proud he wont have any reason to doubt me again.

One person I miss the most:
1. Myself.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Azucar Moreno - Solo se vive una vez


I just went trough the worst conversation of my life, and after I was done with it I felt the NEED to talk to a friend, just to be on the phone/person with them and cry, talk about what happened, get an advice, or just to... Get this feelings out, even if I'm usually a very reserve person when it comes to how I really (really is the key word) feel.  Yes, I know it's 3:00am, but  friends are "always" there for you, am I wrong? I mean, if somebody called me at 3am, yes I'll be sleepy as hell, but that they take the time to call me because they need somebody to talk to, will change that in a heart beat, because I treat others the way I'd like to be treated.

The biggest problem I have is that I always put others over me, they are always first, even if I always deny it, I will stop doing what I am doing to help them, but at the end there is nobody there for me. Tonight could be the perfect example of it.

If you know me in person, you might think this is hard to believe (that I have no "real" friend) because of how social I am, and how outgoing I act, well, let me tell you, one thing is who is there to go hang out with you, laugh with you or say hi to you, another complete different thing is who will be there for you all the time, a friend, who knows you better than everyone else, who you can't lie to because they know better and sadly for me, I only get "buddys" not "friends" and maybe is not their fault, maybe it's my fault, maybe I am fake because I wont show who I am, I will mold myself THEIR way, I will try to make them feel comfortable over me; maybe I need to change first before asking others to change...

Besides the conversation I just had, there is another reason why I am blogging this late, no, not because I get a grade for blogging, no it's not because this releases stress, and NO it's no because I have nothing better to do... JERK :). It's because of one of my classmate's blog, Erika Williams, since day 1 I noticed her, she looks kind of quiet was the first thing I thought about her, and she was just there, focus, serious, just there, (not in a creepy way though), I thought we had nothing in common even before speaking to her (so far I still haven't), but then, when we started this blogs, hers just caught me, I realized we kind of think alike sometimes, and today I saw the last thing she posted and it is the perfect definition of how I been feeling all day, and even more after the conversation I mention before. Her post is named: "lkdshglasndglanbdslogh!" creative huh? (: , anyways, on it she talks about how you can care about someone but they just be doing their all thing (not sure if you get what I mean), she talks about how people be fake now days, and to resume I just agree with every single word she said in that post, it's the same thing that is happening to me, it shows how being "nice" wont get you "nice" back, it shows how we ALL make mistakes but yet when WE do it, others judge like they never do. But the key part is when she mentions -TRUST- that 5 letters word, everybody knows what it means but few really follow. I personally have LOTS of trust issues with people, I learned the hard way, but at the same time, being like this make me push away people who care, so anyways I end up EMPTY, and I don't know... I don't feel like writing about this anymore, because I feel like I am trying to MAKE you believe my point, but at the end I know you wont give a fck (I curse a lot, sorry if that offends you), you will have your own point of view out of this, it might be similar, it might be completely different of mine, but it will never be the exact same...

Oh by the way, ERIKA, if you reading this, somehow let me know, I wanted to comment your post but blogger is being stupid (It's probably that I don't get it :P), I would tell you in class, but I be too sleepy in the mornings :).

Ps; We should hang sometime.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Dear Mr. President

Oh Pink... I've been listening to her music since I first started learning English, at first I had no idea what half of her songs were talking about though, but, I still kept listening to her songs because she has no fears! I love that about her music, she just speak her mind off and put the cards on the table you like it or not.

Dear Mr. President is my favorite song of hers, why? Well, because she wrote this for Bush, but, it also applied to the president of my country (not the actual one, but the one before). Dominican Republic's government has always been a big issue for me, because after all that is my country, my family lives there and it's where I was born and raised, and it hurts to see how a group of people take advantage of the power that US the people give them to try and make it better for ourselves and then they just end up lying to us, making our lives a damn HELL, killing our love ones, and just making out of our beautiful country, a MESS.

Now days, they situation with the new president is better, but there is still a little bit of corruption going on, and a little of "if you do not have money, you're worthless here" around.

I have to admit living in my loved island Dominican Republic is the MAIN reason why I am majoring in Criminal Justice now days, because I want a CHANGE, I believe our country deserves better than what we already have, a better quality of life, a better government, people with passion for our ideals, people who love our country... Not just our money; and if God allows me, I will be part of that change. I believe in what others think it's impossible. I don't care who try to bring me down, I wont give up.

Anyways, I am going off topic... AGAIN :P
 Just watch the video, feel the lyrics and enjoy.

Dear Mr. President by PINK!♥

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Oh being a freshman...

Today my 3rd week in Ball State University is officially started.

Been here since Sunday the 15th but it feel like months. To be away from my family and friends is harder than what I thought it will be, meeting new people has not been any easier, I am usually a people's person and I get along with almost everybody immediately, but getting along and actually having a friendship will never be the same thing; I still don't click with no one to the point where I can call them my "friends", and people are starting to get divided into little groups but I do not want to be part of any of them, I wish we could all just be one group because all of them have a different thing I like.

I told my parents I was not going to get homesick... I lied. The past week was HORRIBLE when it comes to mood, I changed from super happy to just totally down in a blink of an eye, all because I finally got the wake up call that I am all by myself in here, no family, no friends, not even a roommate even if I like having a room for myself with MY rules, it still gets lonely most of the time, anyways, when I finally realize how lonely I really am, it didn't take long for my smile to turn into sighs, tears, and a pain in the chest pressing against my heart and don't even make me talk about how much I prayed and wished to go back home, I was on this position where I just couldn't care less anymore.

I love my classes though, all my professors and classmates are very nice and they all treat me with respect and help me with everything they can, they have made me feel welcome and accepted, so I have to admit that even if I hate how much homework we getting, I still like the feeling inside the classroom.

I want to clear out that this post is NOT to complain, because I am very thanks full for all the opportunities, college education is not an option for everybody, and I've been blessed with the opportunity to come to a foreign country, a new state and a high quality school. I just want to express my feelings a little bit, and just practice on this blogging habit before I actually have to start it for class, so far it has been fun, I get to practice my English skills while releasing some stress while typing about the issues that got me stressed on first place.  

BLAH. Now, once again I ran out of things to say, and it's 1:30am and I have English class tomorrow at 10:00am so that means I have to wake up at 8:00am to be on time haha so I think I should get off the computer... IT'S SO HARD NOW! I think blogging has become my new hobbie haha (Sorry facebook)... Okay Okay, I am leaving now :)


So blogging now...

This is my first post... I really do not know what to say, I just feel like I should post something so my teacher wont think I am lazy, but I am out of ideas right now. I usually have lots of things to talk about, but I've been homesick this whole weekend, having my family and friends so far away from me is not easy at all, so my mood and brain have kind of stop working (I know that does not make sense but OH WELL, this is MY blog [: )

I promise to make my next post a little more fun, for now this is all I got.


Adios amigos (: